Infrared Sauna

We invite you to embark on a journey towards improved health and vitality with the proven benefits of infrared saunas. This modality can help with detoxification, improve circulation, muscle relaxation, improve sleep, weight-loss and so much more.

Infrared Sauna Benefits

Infrared saunas offer a plethora of health benefits, including:

1. Detoxification
-Facilitates the elimination of toxins through sweating

2. Improved Circulation 
-Enhances blood circulation
-Reduces muscle pain 

3. Immune System Boost 
-Demonstrated to boost the immune system

4. Improved Sleep Quality 
-Because the sauna relaxes you, it allows you to sleep better 

5. Skin Health
-Clearer and tighter skin
-Some experience the sauna after glow

Infrared Sauna Risks

While generally safe, there are considerations:

1. Temporary Side Effects
- May cause temporary side effects like dizziness or nausea. 

2. Pregnancy 
- Not recommended during pregnancy. 

3. Underlying Medical Conditions
- Consultation with a healthcare professional is vital for individuals with underlying medical conditions.


Infrared Sauna Therapy
Infrared Sauna Therapy
Infrared Sauna Therapy
Infrared Sauna Therapy


Any One Service
per service
Walk-ins are welcome
(based on availability)
Three months minimum
per month
Any 1 daily service for a single member
$15 (each Additional Same-Day Service)
Frequently asked questions to cover known inquires from the clients in regards to the therapies and business.
What should I wear during an infrared sauna session?
Opt for minimal attire for optimal outcomes, whether it's wearing nothing or opting for lightweight and comfortable shorts like swimwear or loose-fitting cotton. Steer clear of heavy fabrics to ensure the efficient penetration of infrared heat into the skin.
Can I stop if I feel uncomfortable or claustrophobic?
Yes, you can exit the sauna at any time if you feel uncomfortable. It's essential to prioritize your comfort and well-being.
Do I need to shower or remove makeup before an infrared sauna session?
It's advisable to shower before the session to remove lotions, oils, and makeup, as they can interfere with the infrared heat absorption.
Can I get burned or experience heat exhaustion from an infrared sauna session?
While rare, burns can occur. Follow guidelines, adjust session duration, and stay hydrated to minimize risks of overheating or heat-related issues.
What if I get overly hot easily?
Adjust the temperature and duration to your comfort level. It's crucial to listen to your body and not push yourself beyond your limits.
What can I expect after an infrared sauna session?
Post-session, you may experience relaxation, improved sleep, and detoxification. Ensure proper hydration to support the elimination of toxins.
How many sessions are recommended for best results?
For optimal benefits, aim for 3-5 sessions per week. Results vary, and consistency is key to experiencing the full therapeutic effects.
What are the risks associated with an infrared sauna session?
Risks include dehydration, burns (if guidelines aren't followed), and potential aggravation of certain medical conditions. Consult with a healthcare professional if you have concerns.
Does insurance cover infrared sauna sessions?
Typically, insurance doesn't cover sauna sessions as they are often considered wellness or elective treatments. Check with your provider for specific details.
What is infrared sauna session therapy?
Infrared sauna therapy involves using infrared light to heat the body directly, providing various health benefits.
What are the benefits of infrared sauna session therapy?
Benefits include improved circulation, pain relief, detoxification, relaxation, and potential weight loss. It may also support cardiovascular health.
Who can benefit from infrared sauna session therapy?
Individuals with muscle and joint pain, stress, arthritis, or seeking detoxification can benefit. Consult a healthcare professional if you have specific health concerns.
How does infrared sauna session therapy compare to regular sauna treatments?
Infrared saunas penetrate the skin more deeply than traditional saunas, potentially offering more therapeutic benefits with lower ambient temperatures.
What are the risks of infrared sauna session therapy?
Risks include dehydration, overheating, and potential exacerbation of certain health conditions. Individuals with cardiovascular issues or pregnancy should consult a healthcare professional.
What is an infrared sauna session therapy chamber?
It's a specially designed space that uses infrared light to heat the body. Chambers come in various sizes, accommodating individuals or multiple users.
What happens during a whole-body infrared sauna session therapy session?
The body absorbs infrared light, promoting relaxation and various health benefits. Sessions typically last 15-30 minutes, with users seated comfortably.
What does it feel like to be in an infrared sauna chamber?
You'll experience a gentle, penetrating heat that warms the body without the intense heat of traditional saunas. It's generally a comfortable and relaxing sensation.
How often should I get infrared sauna session therapy?
For maintenance and optimal results, 3-5 sessions per week are recommended. Adjust frequency based on individual needs and consultation with a healthcare professional.